Biochemistry Practice Questions resources for free

Watching lectures, making notes, and reading books are not enough to score well in exams like USMLE, UKMLA, NEXT, and other exams. Practicing questions and clinical vignettes have become a crucial part of preparation. Here are some resources that you can use for Biochemistry practice questions.

1. Varsitytutors

This website contains a lot of free biochemistry MCQs. They are given as 6 diagnostic cases as well as Topicwise. The difficulty level is also mentioned along with each test.

2. Oxford University Press – Link 1

Oxford University Press – Link 2

We all know about Oxford and it is without question one of the best publishing company in the world. The books are expensive but some material from them is available for free. Here online MCQs from the books –

Link 1 – Elliott & Elliott: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Link 2Cox, Harris, & Pears: Thrive in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

are available.

3. Medicalbiochemist

This website also contains biochemistry questions segregated topicwise. Most of them are basic questions.

4. GRE Biochemistry

This is a link to a pdf of the GRE practice book. It contains 172 amazing questions for Biochemistry.

5. IBO

These are amazing as well as difficult to answer questions of biology. From there, you need to find Biochemistry sections yourself.

Best free online biochemistry qbank and resources for students

Below are some books that you can use for MCQs in Biochemistry.

1 thought on “Biochemistry Practice Questions resources for free”

  1. Pingback: How to Study Biochemistry - Bookeshi

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