1. Parks Text Book Of Preventive & Social Medicine
It is the most basic for Community medicine that most medical students use. It has been the first choice of medical students for many years. Everything required to know about the subject is covered in the book.
Buy at amazon - Park's Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine
2. IAPSM’s Textbook of Community Medicine
It is the second most popular book for PSM in India. I would advise you to choose this book only if your professors are using it to make their lectures. That will make your life more sorted. Otherwise, stick to Park.
Buy at amazon - IAPSM’s Textbook of Community Medicine
3.Community Medicine Solved Question Papers
This is a popular book used by students during exam days. I would advise you to use it if you are one of those who just want to pass the exams.
Buy at amazon - Community Medicine Solved Question Papers
4. Review of Preventive and Social Medicine - Dr. Vivek Jain
This book is gaining popularity these days. It is actually going to replace Park soon and even though it’s a review book, it will be used as the textbook. This book is a good investment in your 3rd year.
Buy at amazon - Review of Preventive and Social Medicine
Biostatistics Books
1. Biostatistics: Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciences
Biostatistics is really important for PSM as well as for research purposes. This one covers all the relevant material that should be studied by every medical student.
Buy at Amazon - Biostatistics: Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciences, 10ed, ISV
2. Gordis Epidemiology
If you find the above book difficult then this one is an easier to understand and more comprehensive book. If you did not study Biostatistics, you will regret it for the rest of your life. So do not take this subject lightly.
Buy at amazon - Gordis Epidemiology: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access