Best Books For Microbiology

Microbiology is comparatively shorter than the other two subjects of 2nd year. In your library, you can find books for each section – Bacteriology, Virology, Parasitology, and Mycology. At the undergraduate level, we will only use one general book a separate book for parasitology.

1. Ananthanarayan and Paniker's Textbook of Microbiology

This is the most commonly used book for microbiology in India. The specialty of the book is the easy language and explanation of all important points. Emphasis is given on all-important microbes and also on the clinically correlated topics (which covers a whole different unit). The amount of information covered in the book is more than what you need so I would advise you to read the whole book but revise selectively for exams.

Buy at Amazon - Ananthanarayan and Paniker's Textbook of Microbiology, Eleventh Edition

2. Essentials of Medical Microbiology - Dr Apurba S Sastry

This is a relatively newer book for Microbiology. Everything is written in a pointwise manner which makes it easy to understand as well as easy to recall. The best part about this book is that the amount of information given is just right. It is good for the professional exams as well as the Postgraduate entrance.

Buy at Amazon - Essentials of Medical Microbiology
Buy at Amazon - Review of Microbiology & Immunology

3. Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology - W. Levinson

This is the Gold standard book for Microbiology. Not much used in Indian MBBS UG but still the best book for Microbiology if you are preparing for international exams or Quizzes. The best part about this book is the explanations given. Reading this book will make you fall in love with Microbiology. Another thing that I love about this book is the connection to medicine. The book also covers most of the Infectious diseases part of the medicine subject.

Buy at Amazon - Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 15E

4. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Microbiology SAE edition

We don’t see people using this book often. This is the most underrated resource used for microbiology. Lippincott books have a reputation for making subjects simpler to understand and write in the exams. The book is known for the flowcharts. If you like to self-study rather than making notes in class then this book will provide you with readymade notes.

Buy at Amazon - Lippincott Illustrated Reviews Microbiology SAE edition

Books for Parasitology

Students who read International authors can skip this section but others have to buy a separate book for Parasitology.

1. Paniker's Textbook of Medical Parasitology

Parasitology is the most fun part of microbiology because of the cycles that remind us of the memories of biology we studied in schools. This book is widely used by students for this purpose. All the information given in the book is in table pointwise manner and tables which is the exact way in which the examiners ask the questions.

Buy at Amazon - Paniker's Textbook of Medical Parasitology As Per the Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum

2. Medical Parasitology - C P Bhaveja

It is also similar to Panikar but the material is less and relevant to exams. The best part is that the book is very concise and easy to revise during exams.

Buy at Amazon - Medical Parasitology

3. Essentials of Medical Parasitology - Apurba K Sastry

The material is similar to the above two books but the best part is that the book is relevant to PG exams as well as Professional exams.

Buy at amazon - Essentials of Medical Parasitology

Special Mention : Immunology Books

The toughest part in the first 2 years of your medical studies is going to be immunology. Although most Microbiology books cover Immunology, still some students need extra help with this subject.

1. Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Immunology

If you face difficulty in understanding immunology then buying Lippincott is an investment you should do. The book is very easy to follow and the flowcharts help too.

Buy at amazon Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Immunology with the Point Access Scratch Code

2. Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 6e: SAE

This again is an amazing book for Immunology. The Mechanisms are explained in a simplified manner. The best thing about this book is that it contains a deeper understanding of the subject.

Buy at Amazon - Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System, 6e: SAE

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