This is the book I personally use for medicine. It contains the perfect recipe to prepare a doctor. Information is limited but you will see that all the relevant information is covered. I would advise you to read Robbins along with this.
Buy at amazon - Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, International Edition
2. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
Harrison’s is one of the most respected books in the whole medical fraternity. Everything is covered in detail. Along with the medical concepts, basic sciences are also covered. If you are studying for exams then selective reading is advised.
Buy at amazon – Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
3. Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine
This book is in the middle of Harrison and Davidson. The book contains material compared to Harrison but it is given in a simple format like that of Davidson. It is used by a lot of students in tha UK.
Buy at amazon - Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine, International Edition
4. Kumar & Clark's Cases in Clinical Medicine
When studying medicine, It is important to study clinical vignettes along with it. Kumar & Clark’s cases is a wonderful supplement that will help you extra when you prepare for MCQ exams link NEXT, USMLE, or any other exam you are preparing for.
Buy at amazon - Kumar & Clark's Cases in Clinical Medicine
5. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board Review
Vignettes in this book are better than most competitive exam books available in the market. They are not easy, you will need to study medicine much more thoroughly to ace these questions.
Buy at amazon - Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Self-Assessment and Board Review