General English for various Indian exams

English is the most scoring section in the entrance exams. Here I have shared some important topicwise resources - videos and question papers by different creators. Best of luck!

Reading Comprehension

I cannot share an explanation video for this because there is not much to explain. It is already done by you in your school days. Still, if you are not comfortable then I am sharing a tips and tricks video by Dr. Roman Saini

Here are some practice tests by

test 1

test 2

test 3

Error Correction

For this section, it is essential that your grammar is awesome. So here I am sharing a video by Adda247 with you and then you can practice the sample tests.

Click Here to practice Error Correction

Antonyms/ Synonyms

For this section, you need to build a reading habit, No one can learn all the words but you will learn many if you are into reading. So here I am sharing a video by Adda247 with you and then you can practice the sample tests.

Click here for practice questions

Idioms and Phrases

This a fun part and like synonyms and antonyms, you will ace this section if you read. I am sharing a video followed by a link to a practice paper.

Click Here for practice questions

Spelling Error

This is the easiest section of general English. I hope that you will get a full score on this. You just need to practice it but if you are very confused then You can 1st watch a video and then go to the sample questions.

Click Here for practice questions

Fill in the Blanks

Here I am sharing a video by Adda247 with you and then you can practice the sample tests.

Click here for practice

One Word Substitutions

Here I am sharing a video by Adda247 with you and then you can practice the sample tests.

Click Here for Practice

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