How to study Physiology for 1st professional exams in medical college
There are few things in MBBS that you will remember. One of them is your 1st professional exam. For some people it is the most difficult exam in the entire MBBS.
Let’s divide the exam and rule them all.
Physiology Theory Exams
Mrug, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Physiology is asked in the exams in various ways let’s see each of them.
- MCQs For this you need to know all the concepts you study in class. These are generally asked from the highest yielding topics and sometimes a clinical vignette is given and a question related to that is asked. NEET PG type of questions are asked but only from high yielding topics.
- Diagram / Flow chart - In this type of question, you will be asked to draw a diagram that has a physiological significance or a graph or a flow chart depicting a physiological process or a mechanism. Most of these you can find in your textbook.
- Reasoning Questions - In this, you will be given a statement and you will have to give the reason for why is it so. A tip for these questions - always explain the related physiology first (try to explain via a diagram/flow chart) and then give the precise reason for the statement given.
- Short notes - This is the most direct question in physiology. It is recommended to draw a diagram/flow chart/mechanism related to the answer. Marks you get in short notes is directly proportional to the clarity of your diagram.
- Clinical significance - This question sometimes becomes tricky to answer. Here you have to first explain the basic physiology of the question given. Question is generally some quantity that you measure or some practical test or some principle. Then you have to mention some relevant diagnoses for the same.
- Clinical Question – These are the recently introduced type. A clinical vignette is given and related physiology questions will be asked. Because actual clinical subjects are not covered in the first year so in most questions the diagnosis is already given in the vignette or the questions.
- Long Answers – These questions are mostly from the previous years and they are the most sorted questions of your MBBS Prof as you have many sub-parts here which can be answered easily without the confusion of what to write and what not to write.
Here is a book you can follow to prepare for prof exams – all the important questions are given in here.
Companion for 1st MBBS
MBBS First Year Question Bank with Synopsis and Practicals (Biochemistry, Anatomy and Physiology) (Common Book for NTR University of Health Sciences and Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences) 4th Edition (Revised and Updated) Latest 10 Years of Question Papers
Physiology Practical Exams
In the practical exam, there are few ways through which your assessment will be done.
- Spotters - You will be given some spots which contain some pictures of diagnosis or a graph or a maneuver or an instrument and you will be asked some questions related to it.
- Graphs and charts - In this you will be given a card in which a clinical case is given and you have to answer the question given. It is like the clinical question of theory exams but the difference is that in this the vignette contains the practical exam-related maneuvers.
- Hematology Practical - You will be given a hematology practical question and you have to do the practical which you were taught in your practical classes and answer the question. hen there will be a viva based on what you have done in the practical.
- Human Practical - You will be given a Human practical question and you have to do the practical which you were taught in your practical classes and answer the question. Then there will be a viva based on what you have done in the practical.
- Clinical Practical - You will have to perform the clinical examination you learn in your practical classes. Most of the time you will be asked one from the general examination and one from the systemic examination. Then you will be asked questions based on what you have done.
- Grand Viva - This is the theory-based viva. You will be asked questions from the theory part. There is a way of taking the grand viva. You will be asked a simple question and your viva will progress by asking more and more deep questions related to the topic you answered.
For any practical viva in physiology remember -
- The methodology of the practicals
- All the instruments (their names and functions)
- The principle behind the practical
- Diagnosis if the finding of the practical is not normal.
Here is a practical book to prepare for exams.
Ghai's Textbook of Practical Physiology
Here is my video on my prof journey.
Wonderfullyy explained 🤩🤩🤩👌👌👌