Physiology Courses

Online courses are getting really popular and their worth has increased a lot after the Pandemic. Here in this post, I have shared with you a few Human Physiology courses that you can do. You can do these along with your regular courses, get certified, and then add that to your resume.  

I did this course 5 years ago when I was in school. All the important concepts are clearly explained in this course. If you are starting your medical college or any biology degree then this course is a great opportunity to learn for you.

Details of the course –

  • University – Duke University
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Chinese (Simplified), Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time – 33 hrs
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Many students face difficulty in understanding cardiac physiology. Even after attending lectures and tutorials and reading books, many will have doubts about this topic. Here is a course specifically for Physiology of Heart that you must visit if you ever feel uncomfortable in cardiac physiology.

Details of the course –

  • University – Saint Peterson State University
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – English
  • Time – 12-15
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Lactation is not generally covered in depth by students. If you are interested in OBGYN then it will be helpful if you know the detailed physiology of this phase of life. You will really enjoy this course and if you are involved with it practically then it will be even more of an amazing experience.

Details of the course –

  • University – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – English
  • Time – 40 hrs
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – Basic reproductive Physiology.

This is one of the best Physiology courses available on the web. This will cover the topics of physiology that you can see or measure. Like Heart rate, Blood pressure, temperature, etc. This course is for everybody, even a homemaker should know these basic things and you will enjoy this.

Details of the course –

  • University – University of Pennsylvania
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Czech, Italian, Catalan, Vietnamese, Dutch, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time – 14-15 hrs
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Who doesn’t want a body like a fitness model? If you are struggling in the gym and you want to go one step ahead then you can learn the science of exercise and ace in that as well as in your physiology class. This course will help you a lot in understanding it.

Details of the course –

  • University – University of Colorado Boulder
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Czech, Serbian, Italian, Catalan, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time – 10 hrs.
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

This is a very basic physiology course that you can do to get certified and will look good on your resume if you apply for medical-related jobs. This small course will cover everything in a very crisp and concise manner. You will feel good about yourself after doing this course if you don’t have a medical background.

Details of the course –

  • Guided by – University of Liverpool (The Physiological Society)
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not yet
  • Platform – FutureLearn
  • Time – 9-10 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

This is one of the highest-rated basic Cardiology courses on the web. You will get good in-depth knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the heart.

Details of the course –

  • Creator – Mena Abdelsayed
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 4 hrs
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – Basic physiology and knowledge of sciences like chemistry, physics, and biology

This course contains concepts of basic physiology and their applications

Details of the course –

  • Creator – Dr. Aqsa Saleem
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 1 hour
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

This course is for everyone who has some basic knowledge of biology and wants to learn about obstetrics. This is a wonderful course for Newly pregnant ladies who want to know about the changes happening in their body.

Details of the course –

  • Creator – Dr. A M Nudhar Kannan
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 37 mins
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

This is a beautiful course on sleep. Everyone wants to know about sleep and how things affect it. This course is perfect for you if you want to know about it.

Details of the course –

  • Creator – Timur Kazantsev
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 44 mins
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Prof. Dr. N. Kumar has published many courses on Udemy related to cardiology. You can visit his page and see all the courses and see if you are interested in any of them.