Behavioral Science resources for USMLE Step 1

Behavioral Science for USMLE step 1

Behavioral Science is getting tested heavily year by year so you need to devote more time to it than what we used to do. The questions are getting a little complicated and you have to answer the best option so it is important to practice this subject thoroughly. Here are some top-rated resources for Behavioural Sciences -

1. BRS Behavioral Science

Here is the mixture of our two favorite series - Lippincott and BRS. This is the one book that you should buy for behavioral science if you want to ace Step 1. The book also contains a good number of high-quality MCQs. So the book is good for understanding as well as practicing.

Buy at Amazon - BRS Behavioral Science (BRS: Board Review Series)

2. High-Yield Behavioral Science (High-yield Series)

High yield is another series of USMLE preparation books. They truly justify their name by giving the high yield information for exams. You should buy this book if you want to save money. That is the best part of this book - it’s cheaper than the other books.

Buy at Amazon - High-Yield Behavioral Science (High-yield Series)

3. USMLE Behavioural Science Made Ridiculously Simple

Ridiculously made simple is one of the most underrated preparation materials for USMLEs. The behavioral science book of this publisher is good for an understanding of the material therefore it’s a good investment. The book does not contain any MCQs, so for that, you need to go through your comprehensive books.

Buy at Amazon - USMLE Behavioural Science Made Ridiculously Simple (Medmaster Series)

4. Lecturio

Lecturio is an amazing resource for microbiology and immunology. There are two things about Lecturio that I love. First is the bookmatcher. Like for pharmacology if you are reading katzung and you find it difficult to understand a topic then you can just go to bookmatcher, select Robbins, and give the page number where you are stuck. The bookmatcher will give you the exact videos that explain the topic on that page. This tool is very helpful. The other thing I love about Lecturio is its question bank. The questions given are really challenging and prepare for not only Step 1 but step 2 also.

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