Cell Injury and Cell Death

Cellular pathology is not as interesting as the topics you are going to see in future, but it surely is one of the foundations you need for understanding pathology of various tissues. Here are various videos for this chapter.

1. Cellular Adaptation

It is a small topic but surely we can have a big lecture on this too. You can watch the short 3-4 minute video or the hour long lecture if you want to make your concepts really well because it is after all time to build your foundation.

Here are 2 lectures - you can watch either of the two.

2. Necrosis

Here I have found 3 videos for you. Here I would recommend to either watch the 1st and 2nd one or watch only the 3rd one.

3. Apoptosis

Apoptosis is quiet difficult to understand, especially the mechanism. Let’s start this topic with a video about the discovery of apoptosis. It is not a part of your exam so you can skip the 1st video. But do watch any one of the two videos.

4. Calcification

Here is a small topic which is also used a lot in systemic pathology.

4. Miscellaneous topics

This is the section you would study if you really want to come under the topper group. Most of these topics are not part of your exams but covered just for knowledge.

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