Ebooks for Medical Microbiology

EBooks for Microbiology

In this new age of technology, we are making this shift from paperback textbooks to Ebooks. Here I am sharing with you a few awesome Ebooks that you can use for Microbiology.

1. Microbiology: An Introduction, eBook, Global Edition

The best part about this book is the graphics. It is full of those. You will see many illustrations and diagrams which will make your understanding of the subject very clear and interesting. This is used as the main textbook in many institutions.

2. Basic Medical Microbiology E-Book

This book will teach you the basic principles of microbiology which is very important at the start of your career. If you have a choice in your hand to get a textbook then this should be your choice. You will learn every aspect of it required.

3. Bailey & Scott’s Diagnostic Microbiology - E-Book [Diagnostic Microbiology (Bailey & Scott’s)]

This is an advanced book of microbiology generally studied by Postgraduate students. You can use it if you are doing research. Otherwise buying it for your college exams will not do much good.

4. Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology - E-book

This is a great book for all the students who are studying microbiology anywhere. It will also cover immunology concepts so you don’t have to look for them anywhere else. This book is amazing for writing theory answers too.

5. Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology - E-Book

This book is purely for diagnostic methods. This can be used by microbiologists as well as lab techs. Diagnostics is beautifully explained in this book. You should buy it if you want to be a pro experimental Scientist in the field of microbiology.

6. Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, eBook, Global Edition

Here is an awesome Lab manual for all the pro students out there. This book is used in many institutions as a prescribed textbook. But if it is not, you can use this for understanding the lab stuff.

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