Endocrine Physiology

This a big but interesting unit. You will learn about a variety of endocrine glands and their physiology. Let’s start from the basics -


This is the commonality between physiology and Biochemistry. But you have to cover this in both the subjects. Basically, we need to study various receptor pathways because after this all the hormones are just application of these. I am sharing a single video by Ninja Nerd Science which will tell you in brief about all the pathways -


In the pituitary gland, there is a lot to cover. We should start with the anterior pituitary, hormones secreted by it. Then we should jump to the Posterior pituitary and hormones secreted by it.

a. Anterior pituitary

There are many things in the anterior pituitary. I have shared 3 videos from Ninja Nerd science. The first one is about general pituitary physiology. The second and third are about individual hormones. There are more hormones but those will be covered along with the individual glands.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

b. Posterior pituitary

This is the neurohypophysis part of the pituitary. Like the Anterior Pituitary, I am sharing 3 videos here in the same order.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

c. Pituitary function tests

This topic is ignored by many students, but it will help you a lot, especially when you are solving clinical vignettes.

3. Thyroid Physiology

The thyroid is an easy topic as there is only a single hormone that you have to study in-depth. So there are 3 videos shared below from Ninja Nerd.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

4. Parathyroid Physiology

Parathyroid physiology is basically a calcium physiology topic. I am sharing 2 videos. The first one is a continuation with Ninja Nerd and the second one is about calcium and bone metabolism.

Video 1

Video 2

5. Adrenal Gland

The physiology of this gland is a little complex than the others so you need to have good attention here. The adrenal gland is divided into two parts. - Adrenal cortex and Adrenal medulla. We will start with the cortex.

a. Adrenal Cortex

The adrenal cortex is divided into 3 parts. So for the physiology of each part, I have shared one video. Let’s start with the outermost layer.

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

b. Adrenal Medulla

This is a small topic but very important and clinically relevant. The material covered in the video below is good at the undergraduate level.

6. Pancreas physiology

This is the most interesting part of endocrine physiology. This will make your base for the disease Diabetes mellitus. I am sharing 2 videos here from Ninja Nerd.
Video 1
Video 2

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