Head and Neck Anatomy

Welcome to the biggest section of Anatomy. All the topics are really important. It can take more than a month to complete this chapter but its ok. Everyone takes this long.

1. Osteology of the Head and Neck

Head and neck is full of bones so instead of sharing individual links, I am sharing a complete playlist. After that there is one more short recap video for complete osteology of skull.

2. Scalp, Temple, and Face

I am sharing with you 3 videos. The first one is for scalp. The next two are for face and temple. Watch one of the two.

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

3. Skin, Superficial Fascia, and Deep Fascia of the Neck (Cervical fascia)

I am sharing 2 videos for this topic. I would recommend to watch the first video. If you want some more clarity then watch video 2.

Video 1 Video 2

4. Side of the Neck (Posterior triangle)

Here I am going to share three videos. The first 2 are by Dr. Snell from Stanford. These 2 videos covers not just this topic but a lot more anatomy of neck you will see in the next sections. The third video is particularly for this section on Posterior triangle of neck.

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

5. Anterior Region of the Neck

This is a complex section so I am sharing a full playlist for this topic.

6. Back of the Neck and Cervical Spinal Column

In this section I am sharing a single video by Sam Webster.

7. Parotid Region

One single video is enough for this topic. 

8. Submandibular Region

One small video on Submandibular region is here in your plate.

9. Infratemporal Fossa, Temporomandibular Joint, and Pterygopalatine Fossa

Here I am sharing 3 videos. 1 for each part.

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3

10. Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands, Trachea, and Esophagus

I am sharing 2 videos with you. The first video covers the section but if you want more on thyroid then you can refer to the second video.

Video 1 Video 2

11. Oral Cavity

I am sharing two videos with you. Watch any one of the two.

Video 1 Video 2

12. Pharynx and Palate

Palate will be covered in the embryology section. Here is a video on pharynx.

13. Larynx

I am sharing 2 videos on Larynx. Watch any one of the two.

Video 1 Video 2

14. Blood Supply and Lymphatic Drainage of the Head and Neck

I am sharing 4 videos for this section. First two videos are for blood supply and the next two are for Lymphatic Drainage.

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 (part 1) Video 3 (part 2)

15. Nose and Paranasal Air Sinuses

I am sharing 2 videos. Watch any one of the two.

Video 1 Video 2

16. Ear

I am sharing 2 videos here. The first one is for external and middle ear. The second one is for internal ear. Therefore watch both videos.

Video 1 Video 2

17. Orbit and Eyeball

Here I am sharing 3 videos. The first one is for orbit. The second one is the anatomy of eye. The third one is the muscles of eye.

Video 1 (Orbit) Video 2 (Eyeball) Video 3 (Muscles of eye)

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