Online courses are getting really popular and their worth has increased a lot after the Pandemic. Here in this post, I have shared with you few Python courses that you can do. You can do these along with your regular courses, get certified, and then add that to your resume.

Python for Everybody is a specialization that consists of 5 courses – In the first course, you will get an introduction to python and basic programming. In the second course, you will be taught data structures that will make your foundation strong for the things you are going to encounter. In the Third course, you will learn how to use the internet as a source of data and you will be talking in the language of HTML and XML. In the fourth course, you will learn about SQL and data analysis. In the Fifth course, is the application of the previous four courses you have done. You will learn basic things like building a search engine, email data, etc.

Details of the course –

  • University – University of Michigan
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, Korean, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time – 150 hrs approx. (over 8 months)
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Python can is one of the most popular and easy-to-use programming languages. This course will give you an introduction to how to use python, how to solve basic problems using python, and how to interpret error messages. You can choose this course over a specialization in case you want just a brief introduction to the course.

Details of the course –

  • Guided by – Raspberry Pi Foundation
  • Free option (without certificate) – Yes 
  • Platform – FutureLearn
  • Time – 8-10 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Python Developer Masters Program is the most detailed python course on this list. It consists of 5 live courses – In the first course, you will get an introduction to python and basic programming at a much deeper level than any other course. In the second course, you will be taught one of the most growing fields in the digital world i.e. Machine learning. In the Third course, you will learn an advanced Machine learning topic of Natural language processing. In the fourth course, you will learn about Python spark which is popularly used in data sciences. In the Fifth course, you will learn about Django. It is a python based program that will help you develop web applications

Details of the course –

  • Free option (without certificate) – Not Available 
  • Platform – Edureka
  • Time – 150 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Is it a live course or recorded – Live
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Details of the course –

  • Offered By – Google
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles –  English, Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, Spanish, Uzbek, Swedish, Burmese, Telugu
  • Time – 250 hrs approx. (over 8 months)
  • How cool is this course? – (5/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

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