Online Mechanics (Physics) courses for tutoring yourself

Online courses are getting really popular and their worth has increased a lot after the Pandemic. Here in this post, I have shared with you few classical mechanics courses that you can do. You can do these along with your regular courses, get certified, and then add that to your resume.

Details of the course –

  • University – UNSW Sydeny
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time – 30 hrs approx. (over 8 weeks)
  • How cool is this course? – (3/5)
  • Prerequisite – Basic mathematics

The 1st course is on basic kinematics and force. The 2nd course will introduce you to the world of energy and momentum. The 3rd is the toughest course – It will cover the concepts of Rotational Motion and Gravitation.

Details of the courses –

  • University – Rice University
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not available (only 7  days free trial)
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – English, Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, Spanish
  • Time – 80 hrs approx. (over 3 months)
  • How cool is this course? – (3/5)
  • Prerequisite – Basic Mathematics

This is an undergraduate-level physics course for school as well as college students. This mainly covers the topics of Newtonian Mechanics from kinematics to gravitation.

Details of the course –

  • Creator -Susan Tayfe
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 6 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (3/5)
  • Prerequisite – Basic Mathematics

This is a basic physics course that starts from basic mathematics. It also covers some topics from Fluid mechanics and complicated but interesting concepts like gyroscopes.

Details of the course –

  • Creator -Prateek Kumar
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 10 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (3.5/5)
  • Prerequisite – Elementary Mathematics

This is a basic physics course that deals with much more than what we have seen yet. It will be covering simple harmonic motion which is a part of classical mechanics but is separately covered is wave mechanics generally.

Details of the course –

  • Creator -WR Training
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 8 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (3.5/5)
  • Prerequisite – Elementary Mathematics

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