Public Relations Courses

Online courses are getting really popular and their worth has increased a lot after the Pandemic. Here in this post, I have shared with you few Public Relations courses that you can do. You can do these along with your regular courses, get certified, and then add that to your resume.  


While building any brand, informing your audience about what your brand is and what services you are offering is crucial. Public relations sets a connection between you and your audience. Acquire the knowledge of public relations through this course.

Details of the course –

  • University – University of Colorado Boulder
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – English
  • Time – 15 hrs. approx
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – Basic knowledge of media

To capture your target audience, one must be aware of integrated marketing communications. This course teaches everything from advertising, digital marketing to how to interact with your audience.

Details of the course –

  • University – ie Business School
  • Free option (without certificate) – Available 
  • Platform – Coursera
  • Subtitles – Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, Korean, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time – 12 Hrs
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – Background of marketing

Today it has become important to understand digital diplomacy and the role of artificial intelligence. Learn the concept of diplomacy its principles and practices. Learn Modern Diplomacy through this course in the simplest form.

Details of the course –

  • Guided by – Global Diplomatic Forum
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not available
  • Platform – FutureLearn
  • Time – 35-40 hrs approx.
  • How cool is this course? – (5/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

To stand strong in the media world, you need social media growth as well as intrigue understanding of public relations. Take this course and learn how to build a reliable audience for your brand and gather traffic for your website

Details of the course –

  • Creator – Heather Baker
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 3-4 hrs approx.
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

 For a successful business, it is important to have a good relationship with journalists. Blogs have become the modern-day newspaper and if they find your ideas attractive, they will write positively about them. These kinds of tie-ups can also save you from negative publicity. Learn the dos and dos of Modern PR.

Details of the course –

  • Creator – Brad Merill
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 1-2 hrs approx. 
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

Media is a good way of gaining an audience but it can also be the reason for your downfall in the time of crises. How to appear confident in front of media in crises, how to deal with negative questions, learn how to handle such situations in this course.

Details of the course –

  • Creator – TJ Walker
  • Free option (without certificate) – Not Available 
  • Platform – Udemy
  • Time – 1-2 hrs approx. 
  • How cool is this course? – (4/5)
  • Prerequisite – N.A.

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