Online courses are getting really popular and their worth has increased a lot after the Pandemic. Here in this post, I have shared with you few Web Development courses that you can do. You can do these along with your regular courses, get certified, and then add that to your resume.

1. Introduction to Web Development

This is a basic but highly recommended course on web development. It will cover all the fundamentals of web development and you will also get an introduction to web applications which has become very crucial now.

Details of the course -

  • University - UC Davis
  • Free option (without certificate) - Available
  • Platform - Coursera
  • Subtitles - Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time - 22 hrs approx. (over 6 weeks)
  • How cool is this course? - (5/5)
  • Prerequisite - N.A.
Visit the course page

2. Web Development Certification Training

This is a very detailed live course on Web Development and it will train you to be a great developer. You will learn about HTML5, CSS3, and other cool topics like Google Api and social plugins. This will add great value to your resume.

Details of the courses -

  • Free option (without certificate) - No
  • Platform - Edureka
  • Time - 30 hrs approx. (over 5 weeks)
  • How cool is this course? - (4/5)
  • Prerequisite - N.A.
Visit the course page

3. Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization

This one is a specialization in web development that will cover everything that you require to excel as a web developer. I highly recommend this specialization as you will learn HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and other things related to web design. These things have a really high demand in the market. This specialization consists of 5 courses that cover all the topics mentioned above. Getting certified for this course will add great value to your resume.

Details of the course -

  • University - University of Michigan
  • Free option (without certificate) - Yes
  • Platform - Coursera
  • Subtitles - English, Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, German, Russian, Spanish, Hindi
  • Time - 75 hrs approx. (in 6 months)
  • How cool is this course? - (4/5)
  • Prerequisite - N.A.
Visit the course page

4. Introduction to Web Development

This is a simple course that you can do if you just want to learn web development for your own small business like a restaurant or a bakery etc. In the course, you will learn about HTML and CSS. You can do these courses and you can list yourself on websites like Fiverr. You can also do this and make websites for nearby businesses and get paid for that.

Details of the courses -

  • Offered by - Rasberry Pi
  • Free option (without certificate) - Yes
  • Platform - Future learn
  • Time - 6-8 hrs approx. (over 3 weeks)
  • How cool is this course? - (4/5)
  • Prerequisite - N.A.
Visit the course page

5. HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

This course is best if you want to become a freelancer in this field. You can make simple small business websites easily after doing this. Getting certified will get you more clients. You will learn briefly about HTML5, CSS, and building Web applications using Javascript.

Details of the course -

  • University - John Hopkins University
  • Free option (without certificate) - Available
  • Platform - Coursera
  • Subtitles - Arabic, French, Portuguese (European), Italian, Vietnamese, Korean, German, Russian, English, Spanish
  • Time - 40 hrs approx. (over 5 weeks)
  • How cool is this course? - (5/5)
  • Prerequisite - N.A.
Visit the course page

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