Things to buy before joining the Medical College.

Things to buy before joining the Medical College.

There are a few things that you should buy before coming to medical college. Let’s list them here –

1.Apron – You will be wearing an apron daily at work for the rest of your life. Buy a good quality apron.

2. Gloves – There are two types of gloves – surgical and medical examination ones. For 1st year buy the medical examination ones which are quite cheap. 

3. Dissection kit – This is important for 1st-year dissections in anatomy class. 

4. Surgical Blades – These are part of dissection kit but you will soon run out of them so better buy some in bulk. I would suggest to buy it with friends.

5. Mask – Don’t wear your cloth fancy mask to dissection hall. Get a pack of use and throw masks for dissections.

6. Bouffant Caps/ Surgical Caps – These are optional but sometimes Cadavers have growth of fungus on them. In those situations, it is advised to wear a bouffant cap.

7. Sanitizer- In the hospital, you can’t stay without sanitizers. Although now sanitizers are available at every station still it is advised to keep sanitizer with you.

8. Boneset – It is not necessary but it helps a lot if you have one. Not just for studies, it is great for decoration purposes. It is quite expensive so it is advised to buy it with friends or you can ask any senior if they want to sell their bone set.

9. Histo pencils – These are special pencils for histology diagrams. You have to buy these 2 colors. 

10. Regular color pencils – For Anatomy diagrams, there is a proper color-coding that you have to follow. So buying the color pencil set is a must for 1st year. 

11. Lancets – These are special needles you need to prick your fingers during hematology practicals.

12. Color Pens – These are optional and good for Note making. 

13. Books – This is the most important thing you need to bring to college. I have a separate section for Books. 

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