Thorax Anatomy
This a small section. But it is the dream of many medical students to do surgery in this region. Let us understand this section thoroughly.
Bones and Joints of the Thorax
You have to study all the bones individually so I am sharing a complete playlist for the osteology of the thorax.
2. Pleural Cavities
I am sharing 2 videos in this section. The first one is by Armando Hasudugan if are not clear about the anatomy and still have doubts then the second video by Sam webster is the one you refer to.
Video 1
Video 2
3. Lungs (Pulmones)
This one is really interesting. I have shared 2 videos. The first one is by Sam webster which is supposed to be a complete package but the second video is practical as the Lung is one of the most common organs that you will see in your exam.
Video 1
Video 2
4. Mediastinum
This is the most beautiful as well as the most earning section of the unit. I am again sharing 2 videos. The first one is by The noted anatomist. It is a great video if you still didn’t understand then go for sam webster’s video.
Video 1
Video 2
5. Pericardium and Heart
For this topic, I am sharing 3 videos. The first one is by Snell’s anatomy from Stanford. This is a must lecture. The other two are sam webster.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 2
6. Superior Vena Cava, Aorta, Pulmonary Trunk, and Thymus
If you are thorough with the above section then you don’t need a video for this section and you can do everything just by reading. If you still have doubts you can watch the videos below.
7. Trachea and Esophagus
This topic is very important for exams as well as for your clinics. Here is a video by Catalyst University that you can refer to.
8. Thoracic Duct and Azygos and hemiazygos Veins
This is again a very important topic for exams and it is frequently asked for innumerate or describe. Here is a video that you can refer to.