Best Biochemistry Free online resources for medical students

If you are looking for some free resources to help you study then this is the right place for you. Here are some free resources you can use to study Biochemistry in your college.

If you want to add more channels, just comment, and I will add more.

Youtube Channels

1. Ninja Nerd Lectures

This is one of the fastest-growing channels in the medical fraternity and the best part about this lecture series is the whiteboard. This channel is known as an updated and faster version of Dr. Najeeb. The channel keeps on updating. This channel should be subscribed to by every medical student who is studying in the 2nd or 3rd year. Although a lot of detail is missed in the lectures. It is great for basics.

2. Fundamentals of Biochemistry

This channel has around 200 videos on biochemistry. All the videos are ppt based. It is a good channel to understand the basics. But I do not advise watching it for clinical topics.

3. Medical Biochemistry For Medical Students

This is also a great channel everything is nicely explained and all those minor topics that we miss in Ninja Nerd videos can be studied here. The Whiteboard method is used to explain everything and that’s the reason everything is very easy to grasp.

4. Moof University

I recently discovered this channel. Around 200 videos are uploaded on this channel. They are great for medical students all around the globe. They have a personal website also. Give it a visit.

5. MUHS Learning

This channel also has various playlists. Biochemistry is really good here you can consider watching them if you ever get stuck somewhere. The relevant videos from this channel are uploaded in my video section.

6. Kevin Ahern

This is my favorite biochemistry channel. Kevin Ahern is a great professor. Live classroom videos are uploaded on his channel. These types of videos are one of the most entertaining ones. This guy saved me in my first year. I am sure he will save you too. Every year new videos are uploaded. The course is always completed in 2 lecture series so make sure you don’t miss anything.

7. 5.07SC Biological Chemistry

In this, I have not given you the Youtube link. Instead, I have shared with you the course homepage link in MITOCW. Consider visiting. MITOCW videos are always great.

8. 5.08J Biological Chemistry II

This is the second course from MIT. One thing I would like to mention is that these courses are post-graduate-level courses. But they are very relevant at the undergraduate level too. So do them if you have time. You will enjoy it a lot.

9. Dirty Medicine

This channel is mainly for medicine but also has a biochemistry playlist. I have shared videos from this channel many times in my video section.


I am following this channel since my school days. In biochemistry, this chapter covers the maximum amount of topics. This channel is only recommended for basic biochemistry, not the clinical parts.

11. Jan Trnka

This channel is amazing except for one part. Is that most of the lectures are not in English so I have linked you to the playlist that contains English lectures. All the relevant videos from this channel are shared in my videos section.

12. Medicosis Perfectionalis

This channel is like a whole package. There are clinical correlations in every video so that helps a lot. Sometimes I feel this should be one of those paid services it is hard to believe such great videos are available for free.

13. Dr. Najeeb Lectures

I know I have written in the heading that the resources are free but Dr. Najeeb is not one of the free resources but the youtube channel has many free videos that you can watch. All the relevant videos from this channel are shared in my video section.

14. khanacademymedicine

This channel must not be missed. If you are not able to find the right videos then the last resort of everyone is Khan academy. Everything is nicely explained.

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