Best resources for clinical case discussions
In the books, we see many cases, but in the hospitals, we see only those present. No hospital in the world has patients with every clinical condition mentioned in Harrison’s principle of internal medicine.
1. Emory Department of Medicine
In this channel, there are basically grand rounds where you can learn a lot about clinical cases and how to manage them.
2. OSMECON - Undergraduate Medical Conference
OSMECON is the medical conference of Osmania medical college. If are just a medical student then you can see clinical case presentations on the Osmecon channel. They helped me a lot.
3. Surgery by Prof. Chintamani
Professor Chintamani sir is from Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi. A lot of surgical case presentations are there on this channel.
The white army is one of the best medical case presentation channels created. Many lectures and case presentations by top doctors of India are there. Some of the lectures are legendary I am telling you.
5. Lecturio
Lecturio is also one of the best resources available for clinical case presentations. Here the cases are presented by one of the top doctors in the world.\
6. Department of Medicine, CMC, Vellore
CMC Vellore is one of the best Medical colleges in India. This channel has uploaded a lot of their lectures relevant to undergraduates as well as postgraduates. All these are webinars for medical students.
7. Stanford Health Care
This channel is run by the Stanford University, the USA it provides various webinars for medical students all over the world.
8. UCLA Health
This is one of the best channels for clinical studies it has many lectures as well as tutorials for doctors and medical students around the globe.
Thanks for uploading this one …..really needed …👍💯