Bloodstream and cardiovascular system infections
In this section, I have shared all the videos relevant to the new pattern. After each topic, there is a PPT from Dr. Apurba Sastry sir.
1. Cardiovascular System Infections
This section contains two major topics - Infective endocarditis and Acute rheumatic fever.
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Infective endocarditis
You can find the whole section on infectious diseases at lecturio.
Acute Rheumatic fever
2. Bloodstream Infections (PUO)
This section covers one of the most difficult to diagnose diseases - Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO).
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3. Enteric Fever (Typhoid)
In this section, I am sharing 1 video for Typhoid and one other video on the Widal test as both are really important for exams as well as the clinic.
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4. Rickettsial Infections
This topic contains many small topics so I am sharing two videos, 1st one is a short simple cute video which you will remember for the rest of your life. The other one is a detailed video on rickettsial infections which you can watch if you are competing to be a topper.
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5. Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (Dengue, Chikungunya, KFD, Ebola and Marbung virus infections)
It’s hard to find good videos for these topics. I am sharing one podcast that will help you a lot.
Click Here for PPT
6. Malaria
This topic is as important as the disease itself. Study all the forms and life cycle. I am sharing a video from Osmosis that will help you a lot.
Click Here for PPT
7. Visceral Leishmaniasis and Trypanosomiasis
So this section covers two disease. I have shared videos for both.
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Visceral Leishmaniasis
8. Lymphatic Filariasis
This infection is more common in clinic than in books so study it thoroughly.
Click Here for PPT
9. Systemic Candidiasis and Systemic Mycoses
This is the fungal section of the CVS infections. I have shared two videos - One for each mentioned topic.
Click Here for PPT
Systemic Candidiasis
Systemic Mycoses
You need to study this one more from the PPT